Chandelure | Luring Pokémon | Shadow Tag |
| | HP | 60 | 230-324 | Atk | 55 | 103-229 | Def | 90 | 166-306 | SpA | 145 | 265-427 | SpD | 90 | 166-306 | Spe | 80 | 148-284 |
| Flash Fire | Flame Body |
Overview:Chandelure is an amazing poke. It's notorious for its amazing special attack stat, and its superb offensive typing. While it is a very difficult pokemon to use, if you know what you're doing chandelure can be a very rewarding addition to your team.
Standard Sets:ScarfBreakdown (Chandelure) (F) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Psychic
- Hidden Power [Fighting]
- Shadow Ball
- Flamethrower
This is your basic Chandelure, probably the most viable set one can use for Standard. Psychic may seem like an odd choice, but with Chandelure's massive power you can ohko or come very close to killing off most OU fighting types. It's a much better alternative to energy ball, which barely scratches any of Chandelure's main threats. However, if you just plain don't like psychic, then pick an option that is more suitable to your specific team. If you really want to, you can go go with energy, however the warning above still stands. It simply does not do enough to water types to allow chandy to stay in, as it will risk being severly damaged or OHKO'd. Hp fight just adds to your solid coverage, delivering massive damage to Tyranitar and Heatran, two of Chandelure's biggest annoyances. Shadow ball is your basic STAB, not much to say about it. For your fire stab Fire Blast may be a bit of a gamble, as Chandelure is fairly frail so a miss will cost you dearly.
Sun TeamBreakdown (Chandelure) (F) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- SolarBeam
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Shadow Ball
- Flamethrower
Chandelure can be a great addition to any sun team. It's better to stick with scarf again due to Chandelure's mediocre speed and bulk. The main difference with this set is the use of solar beam, which unlike energy ball can actually serve as a viable grass move as long as the sun is up. Hp ice also works well on this team as it can give you coverage for Gliscor and various Dragons. Fire blast isn't listed as an alternative for this set because Flamethrower is more than powerful enough with sun, but if you're worried about counter weather or don't mind the risk, it's still a viable choice.
SpecsBreakdown (Chandelure) (F) @ Choice Specs
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Energy Ball
- Hidden Power [Fighting]
- Shadow Ball
- Fire Blast
This set is similar to the first Chandelure set, however the main difference is this one focuses on raw offensive power. Energy ball is actually acceptable for this set, because unlike the other sets this one has enough power to use it. Hidden power fighting is there to obliterate your main counters like Heatran or dark types. However ice is still an option for this set as well, if you don't already have coverage for it on your team. Shadow ball is self explanatory as always, no Chandelure set should really be without it. Fire Blast was listed for this set because if you're going for specs you probably want as much nuking power as possible with this pokemon. However like always, if you're nervous about accuracy Flamethrower is also an option. Speed is also very important for this set, as Chandelure has average speed making it vulnerable when coupled with it's poor defenses and hp.
Trick Scarf!Breakdown (Chandelure) (F) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Trick
- Hidden Power [Fighting]
- Shadow Ball
- Flamethrower
With the tutors being introduced in BW2, Chandelure was given the move Trick. The main difference in this set is that with Trick you can send in Chandelure to cripple any nuisance to your team. However once you lose your scarf Chandelure becomes much slower, even with Timid nature, so more caution will be necessary.
- Spoiler:
Calm Mind
Breakdown (Chandelure) (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Hidden Power [Fighting]
- Calm Mind
- Shadow Ball
- Flamethrower
Out of all the sets, this is the least viable, at least as far as Standard is concerned. Without a scarf you are vulnerable to being outsped by other threats, and without specs you can't compensate by ohkoing everything. The main goal of this set is to take any opportunity to set up calm minds. This will help improve your lackluster spdef while giving you a nice offensive boost. Just be cautious of what you try to set up on as Chandelure is easily taken down.
Why you should avoid energy ball- Spoiler:
To a Politoed with no investment in hp or special defense, a MAX special attack Chandelure only does at most 247 damage. While this may seem impressive to some degree, that politoed will easily oneshot chandelure after the damage is done. Keep in mind that politoed is not even anywhere near the bulkiest of the Standard water types, and it is not OHKO'd with no investment. Some people argue for "widdling down on the switch" but honestly, this concept is fairly risky and pointless. On a rain team, politoed or another water type aren't the only things not scared of chandelure. This means that energy ball can end up being a horrible choice if a water type does indeed not come in. You can "wear down" a politoed, as well as many other things, with a Shadow Ball on a switch. Anything is really better than energy ball for a 4th move. It really only makes people take stupid risks against water types because they think chandy will be able to kill them, only to end up getting it killed.
Checks and CountersChandelure is a very frail yet very powerful pokemon, so very few things can completely counter it if you have good coverage. However no set can completely cover all weaknesses, so there will always be problems. Gliscor and Landorus can serve as major threats, however Chandelure does sizable damage to both of them with the modest scarf set. However beware of scarf Landorus and it's stab EQ. Jellicent can live a non-specs shadow ball and even kill if Chandelure has already taken damage from hazards. If you're lacking hidden power ground or fighting Heatran will not only be able to use you for a flash fire boost but it can also 2hko with earth power. Bulky water types like Vaporeon are a major threat, as a non boosted energy ball won't even scratch them(in fact it does less than 1/4 to Vaporeon). Weavile is a threat only to a non-scarf set, however a focus sash Weavile can also present a problem as well.
Snorlax with thick fat is most likely Chandelure's one true counter, as it can take any hit from it with complete ease, even hp fight, and counter with Crunch.
TeammatesAs mentioned above, Chandelure works very well with sun teams. Any fire weak pokemon is a great teammate for Chandelure, as it can serve as flash fire bait. Jellicent also makes a good teammate as it can sponge up water hits for it. Terrakion is also amazing, taking any dark hits aimed at Chandelure for an attack boost and can ohko most dark threats with close combat. Landorus is also a good choice because it can get a free switch in if the opponent uses earthquake. Espeon can keep hazards away from your team that would otherwise lower Chandelure's health making it even more fragile. Chansey is another good option. It can live essentially any hit that can threaten Chandelure, and is even immune to one of its weaknesses. Chansey can also give Chandelure wish passes, which the frail pokemon would greatly appreciate,